Electrical Services
The Electrical Services Engineer works closely with the Project Team to design safe, efficient and enhanced systems for important historic, cultural, commercial and residential buildings.
The Electrical Engineer can provide condition surveys of the existing services and fittings and makes recommendations regarding their re-use or need for replacement.
The electrical team will design unobtrusive routes for wiring, recommend fittings and energy efficient lighting, ensure safety with intruder alarm and fire alarm systems, lightning protection and power back up, ensure comfort and ease of movement with recommendations for communication systems, AV systems, hearing loops, passenger lifts, emergency lighting and specialist lighting to enhance exhibits and the building itself.
- HV and LV system design
- Internal & external lighting design and 3D imagery
- Temporary and permanent power generation systems
- Lightning risk assessment and lightning protection system design
- Fire detection system design
- Surveys of existing electrical installations
- Review of physical restrictions that may affect engineering solutions
- Advice on sustainable low energy, low carbon solutions and
- Part L compliance
- Detailed design calculations, drawings and specifications for tender and construction purposes
- Provision of health & safety advice and information relating to the services in compliance with the CDM regulations
- Review of installation work on site
- Witnessing testing, commissioning and demonstration of M&E systems
- Review of O&M manuals and record drawings of installed systems
- CDM designer’s risk assessments
- Review of installation work on site
St Mary’s Church Lighting Design.
Brackley Town Hall Lighting Design.